Easy DIY Easter Egg


I love spring, I love the cute colours & of course all the chocolate the easter bunny brings. I remember being a kid and being so excited to make easter eggs.. but after a week they were gross and we had to throw them out. This was always very upsetting because I was always so proud of my art work that it felt like such a shame throwing it away.

Now as a 22 year old adult, I still love decorating easter eggs. I’m gonna show you how I made some super cute eggs that can be packed up and saved for next year! These are great for making for kids too, they won’t break if they’re dropped! So let’s get started!


Most of the supplies I found at my local dollar store & at home!

  1. Plastic Eggs, 6pk $1.25 CAD
  2. Paint brushes, 1o pk $1.25 CAD (or anything to paint with)
  3. Any acrylic paint $1.25 CAD each, I choose white, gold & black
  4. Sand paper *very* important, tooth picks, styrofoam meat container (clean) & paper to protect your table *all this was found at home.
  5. Glue, I forgot to picture this but any glue will work. I found super glue and used that.


  • Step 1: Open up the eggs and glue them shut, this will make sure that they don’t come apart and wreck the design!
  • Step 2: This is very important! Sand the eggs so that they are no longer shiny. If you don’t the paint will have a very difficult time sticking to the eggs.
  • Step 3: My eggs had holes in the bottom, I took toothpicks and put them through the holes and then placed them in the styrofoam. This was so that they could dry better.


  • Step 4: Start painting your base layer, I choose white. My eggs needed about 4 coats of paint in total so this is the boring part. If making these for kids I suggest doing this before hand so they are ready for them to paint right away!


  • Step 5: This is the fun part, painting your pretty little eggies! I choose black & gold for my designs. You can do dots, stripes, chevron, cute sayings or anything you want. The possibilities are endless! Using some white glue and glitter would be super cute as well! I usually use glitter for everything but I wanted to keep these eggs simple.


These were the designs I did for my eggs! I loved the gold & black on the white. I found it very classy and almost “Kate Spade-Esque” I let these sit over night to make sure they were 100% dry before moving them. If you wanted a shiny finish you could defiantly spray them with some clear paint spray or sealing spray. I like the matte look personally.



I am so in love with the end result! These are so cute & so easy to make. I hope you all have a great easter weekend and the easter bunny brings you lots of chocolate!




DIY Succulent Garden



I love plants, but I am a very bad plant mom. I constantly forget to water them so they die usually within the first couple weeks. After many pretty flowers wilting away I decided to try something different.. A cactus! I’ve had my first cactus for a few months now and it is doing great! This gave me the idea of making a little succulent garden to put in my room!

Its pretty easy to do and saves a lot of money by making it yourself! Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Succulents. I bought mine from garden centres, $6-10 CAD
  • Glass orb or whatever you would like the plants to be in, Winners $14.99 CAD
  • Pebbles or anything to cover the dirt, DollarTree $3 CAD
  • Spoons for scooping the dirt
  • Newspaper or table cloth if you are doing this inside. I forgot about this part and had to vacuum when I was finished.



First I started out by removing the plants and excess soil from their roots, being very careful to not hurt or damage them. I then placed about 2 inches of dirt in the bottom of the glass orb.

I then played around with the placement to figure out where I wanted each plant to sit. When I finished this I added some more soil and made sure the roots were covered.

The spoons make this part a lot easier, since there wasn’t much room for my hands to fit in, I was able to move the plants & soil around much easier. Following this step I used my spoon to place my stones around the plants. I tried to make the soil lower near the sides so that the dirt would be hidden and would have a much cleaner look.

I spent a few minutes moving the stones and finding the perfect balance. The end result was exactly what I was looking for! These mini gardens are great for when you have a small space and can’t have anything to large. You could also macramé a hanger and have multiple orbs hanging to save even more space!


I hope you enjoyed this little mini walk through, xo Sara